Category: Mac & Cheese Offerings

Just another Tuesday evening…

When your day ends with a stranger telling you, “I like listening to you talk,” your life is pretty charmed.  And weird. Had another collaborative event last night at my Read more…

And curtain.

Aieee, it’s been too long since I last posted.  I don’t know how the world has continued spinning without a snarky opinion on something that doesn’t matter at all.  But Read more…

Who wiped down my sink?

In continuation of using my unique living space to host a variety of events, I had my first Night of Comedy! on Friday.  I invited three improv groups to perform Read more…

You’re… welcome?

I’ve been having weird encounters with “Thank you’s” recently.  Weird meaning I don’t know how to react and that I feel odd accepting the Thank You. When I went to Read more…