lifestyle business that models and encourages positive adulting

Quote about adulthood by author John Green that reflects Saya Hillman's lifestyle business


You know that uncertain time between childhood and death? Adulthood? It can be so much more than bills, dry cleaning, and meetings. Mac & Cheese Productions℠ is a lifestyle business that models and encourages positive adulting and increases life fulfillment and ease through building connection: to others, to opportunities, and to self.

Via services, tools, and experiences, Mac & Cheese inspires groups and individuals to take charge of their lives and to learn, grow, and become even more delicious versions of themselves. Its foundation is its Life of Yes℠ mentality — the gist? More yay, less ick.

From events to its Adulting Kit, swag to workplace facilitation, Mac & Cheese is the best parts of college and summer camp, for grownups.

Chicago headquarters, travels everywhere virtually and in-person. Certified Minority Owned Business.

Logo showing that Saya Hillman's lifestyle business is a certified minority business

Spotlight Offering

Conference room facilitation by Saya Hillman

Speaking & Facilitation

Whether you’re looking for a staff training opportunity, a fun way for your team to spend time together, or to set the tone for your conference, Mac & Cheese has a variety of offerings perfect for your togetherness.

Staff retreat? Yes! Annual meeting? Yes! Residential life training? Yes! Freshmen orientation? Yes! Affinity group gatherings? Yes! Client appreciation event? Yes! Professional development? Yes! Off-site? Yes! Team building? Yes!

Learn more

Subscribe to Mac & Cheese Goodness

1'ish times a month mesh of M&C news and musings + list of non-M&C loves and job opportunities — a lovingly and thoughtfully curated mix of random goodness.

  • Guarded by gaggles of foster puppies who will NEVER share your info without your permission.

Cheese-It Testimonials

"I can honestly say my life became richer the minute I found Saya and Mac & Cheese. Saya spreads love and positivity wherever she goes, and it’s contagious. After getting involved with Mac & Cheese, you’ll feel your network expanding almost immediately."
"You know those super interesting people who seem to be really good at life? They all hang out at Mac & Cheese events. And when you surround yourself with them, you too become a more interesting version of yourself. (It) was the push I needed to stop existing and start living. Take advantage of whatever Saya’s offering; it’ll be the best thing you’ve done for yourself today."
"The “no’s” were starting to creep in, and I needed a recharge. What I did not count on was the consistent source of fuel that has come after. I made some amazing friends who’ve provided ongoing support- personally and professionally. It’s like plugging into your own personal cheering squad!"
"Saya is a master connector and community builder who has a true talent for motivating other people to follow their passions."
"The people attracted to Mac & Cheese offerings don’t fit any particular mold or niche, but they are open to meeting new people, trying new things, hearing new ideas, and learning new things about themselves. I enjoy hanging out with that kind of a person personally, and enjoy working with that type of person so much that I offer all Cheese-Its a discount on my professional services."
"Mac & Cheese is game-changing! Through their events, Saya and her team strive to create meaningful relationships and stretch the boundaries of what it means to have the life you want."
"(M&C) events creatively challenge the norm, allowing a greater audience to get out there, mingle and have a great time. I always leave feeling inspired and thankful to have met so many people I wouldn’t have met otherwise."

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."