Tag: Dating

How to win at dating

Dating. It’s the best. It’s the worst. It makes you feel alive. It makes you feel like crap. I can’t get enough of it. Conversations about deal breakers, pet-peeves, activities, Read more…

Saya? Saya??? Saya????

I’ve always prided myself on leading an active life, filled with classes [improv, guitar, salsa, yoga, writing] and activities [Pecha Kucha, Second Story, Clandestino, Second Friday Art Walks, Chicago Cares, Read more…

I McMuffin you

I have to edit a project for two lovely real-estate agents who hired me to make a video for their website to attract potential clients.  These are the reasons, the Read more…

Toe in water

  After my Pecha Kucha presentation (PKN) a few nights ago, a guy asked me if my lists were available on-line and if I had a blog.  They weren’t and Read more…