Does your home give you anxiety, shame, or stress due to its “dirtiness”?
Do you feel bad about yourself for not knowing how to clean?
Do you not invite others over? Fear the “drop-in”?
Overwhelmed when you think about cleaning and thus bury your head in the proverbial sand?
Could you actually out clean the self-proclaimed Sparkle & Shine Queen and just want to lurk in her brain to (with authorization) steal ideas and pat yourself on the back cause you “already know that”?
“Already got sucked into it. Thought I was just downloading for later, then thought ‘I’ll just take a quick peek,’
and now am having trouble walking away from the awesome Saya realness.”
“I hadn’t thought about how to clean in decades. As soon as I started to absorb Saya’s tips and tricks,
I quickly realized my cleaning techniques and tools were outdated and inefficient.
Similar to learning how to tidy up, you don’t know what you don’t know!
Which is why I can’t recommend this resource enough.”
— Kristyn Ivey, KonMari® Master Consultant & Home Stylist, For the Love of Tidy
If you want —
- to exert as little effort or thought as possible on cleaning yet still have a clean home
- someone you trust to tell you “clean in this order,” “clean this every month,” and “use these products”
- a-ha moments that’ll change your approach to and result of cleaning
- insider tips from someone who loves to clean
- to know how to interact with a cleaning service from someone who has a cleaning service
- to learn how to make cleaning manageable, part of your routine, and enjoyable even
- thorough cleaning support but in a lighthearted, non-judg’y way
… the Life of Yes℠ Cleaning Guide was crafted for you.
It’s ok to be 43 and not know how often to clean the shower or what products to use on the stove. It’s ok to be 43 and have a home that isn’t sparkling. What’s not ok is to be 43 and have something in your life that’s keeping you from your life. If you feel that the state of your home is a hindrance — to confidence, peace, friends, love, focus… — here’s a solution.
Throughout adulthood, Saya has cleaned for fun. Creating those win-win-win scenarios she loves so, she now, businessplanschmissnessplan, also employs a cleaning crew and cleans for money. A fan of making life easy and easier, she’s transformed her knowledge and passion and her affinity for systems and spreadsheets into an actionable, realistic, empathetic blueprint for non-tortuous sparkle & shine.
To ease yourself in, the first activity to get you started cleaning has no cleaning involved. And it’s all “You can do this!” from there on out.
Sample Sections
- Why I Love Cleaning
- How To Make Cleaning Suck Less
- Supplies — Let Someone Frugal, Qualified, & Trusted Tell You What To Use
- Cleaning Confessions
- Grounds for Divorce: A Couple Gets Specific
- Room by Room: What To Do In What Order
- Professional Cleaning Services
- Reasons people don’t bring in a cleaning service
- Reasons people should bring in a cleaning service
- How to choose a cleaning service
- What to do before a cleaning service comes
- How to interact with a cleaning service
- How to fire a cleaning service
Included Lists
- Saya’s Top Can’t Live Without Cleaning Products
- Helpful & Unhelpful Cleaning’ish Tips
- Simple Cleaning’ish Tasks That Make You Feel Good
- Even A Cleaning Evangelist Has Hates
- Things You’re Not Cleaning That You Should
- Space in the Dishwasher?
- How to Clean XYZ
- Sink drains
- Walls/doors/baseboards
- Dishwasher
- Microwave grease filter
- Stainless steel
- Oven
- Washer & Dryer
- Shower head
- Shower door track
- Overlapping shower doors
- Toilet & toilet tools
- Jetted tub
- Stairs
- Magical Q-Tips
- Cleaning SOS — 14 To Do’s If Unexpected Company Is Dropping by In Twenty Minutes
- Recurring Cleaning Tasks
- Cleaning Recommendations & Referrals