Category: Love

Will you guacamole me?

Whenever I eat an avocado at home, I wish I was married.  It’s been pounded into my head that while the delicious fruit is good for you, chock full of Read more…

Saya? Saya??? Saya????

I’ve always prided myself on leading an active life, filled with classes [improv, guitar, salsa, yoga, writing] and activities [Pecha Kucha, Second Story, Clandestino, Second Friday Art Walks, Chicago Cares, Read more…

I McMuffin you

I have to edit a project for two lovely real-estate agents who hired me to make a video for their website to attract potential clients.  These are the reasons, the Read more…

Who wiped down my sink?

In continuation of using my unique living space to host a variety of events, I had my first Night of Comedy! on Friday.  I invited three improv groups to perform Read more…