How love starts: Husband and I
Husband and I have been on a serious Spring Cleaning kick these past few months. Those of you who’ve been coming to #IdeaPotluck, you know what I mean, you lucky ducks Read more…
Husband and I have been on a serious Spring Cleaning kick these past few months. Those of you who’ve been coming to #IdeaPotluck, you know what I mean, you lucky ducks Read more…
Our September 1st, 2013 almost 100%-bartered wedding in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago… a day of Best Decisions, ending with the best of them all, becoming legal Best Friends. Most photos Read more…
Dating. It’s the best. It’s the worst. It makes you feel alive. It makes you feel like crap. I can’t get enough of it. Conversations about deal breakers, pet-peeves, activities, Read more…
Business plan? Capital? An MBA? Rich-folk/political connections? Skinny-thighs? You don’t need no stinkin’ business plan, capital, MBA, connections, or skinny-thighs. Nine years ago I got fired, had none of above Read more…
Note: “Petaya” is “Pete” and “Saya” smooshed together. #petaya was the hashtag we used for our wedding. We went to a wedding last night. I read Ten Ways I Trimmed $21,000 Off Read more…
UPDATE: for a pictorial take on the day, head here. Our fairytale $24K wedding for $11K, er $790, er $265, er $205 It’s been a week and a half since Read more…
May 2012 – engaged in Asheville, NC. Why I wind up with three rings. Summer 2012 – kinda not-really start wedding planning. Really, just write a blog post about our big Read more…
Today’s words: perspective and gratitude. I lay on the couch this morning, finishing watching the documentary I started yesterday as I waited to scoop up Fiance at O’Hare Read more…
1/2 a block from this non-descript, gritty, urban corner, in the heart of vibrant, noisy Pilsen… is a door that leads to… The Secret Garden. Aka where we’re getting married September 1st. Read more…
April 22nd – After ridiculous, “is this really happening?” success creating an almost 100% bartered-wedding, I decided to see what seven minutes on Twitter could do. We’re batting almost 1.000 with Read more…