Know these folk, they make life good
Days like today make me thankful to be a human being. I led my second Coffee this morning, the new service I rolled out a few weeks ago in response Read more…
Days like today make me thankful to be a human being. I led my second Coffee this morning, the new service I rolled out a few weeks ago in response Read more…
As I was riding Daisy, my new love, to the Belmont El stop on Saturday, to meet a girl I had “met” just days previous and only “spoken to” via Read more…
One of the oft-discussed topics at the Minglers is how to meet people once you exit through the gates of dormitories, activity clubs, cafeterias, and homecoming dances and into the Read more…
I remember sitting in Lower Dining Hall in college and a friend pointed to a guy in line with a backwards baseball hat [a requirement to get into Boston College Read more…
The various reactions I’ve gotten to yesterday’s post solidify my thoughts that dating is the universal’ist of all universal topics. We’ve all got steps to celebrate [When did he bring Read more…
I was doing some number crunching the other day for tax purposes, updating my totals for the Minglers [events I throw out of my home as a way for people Read more…
I wrote in my last post that I think the worst position one could find oneself these days is as a bad presenter at a tech-conference. Not only is every Read more…
I’ve always prided myself on leading an active life, filled with classes [improv, guitar, salsa, yoga, writing] and activities [Pecha Kucha, Second Story, Clandestino, Second Friday Art Walks, Chicago Cares, Read more…
I have to edit a project for two lovely real-estate agents who hired me to make a video for their website to attract potential clients. These are the reasons, the Read more…
Partnered up for another underground supper club collaboration, this one with Chef Efrain of Clandestino, following our collaboration in December. Fifty-six guests classily stuffed their faces in my yard, accompanied Read more…