What validation looks like

When the thing you made up to soothe your nostalgic soul, unsure if anyone would come, unsure if this was the BEST or the WORST idea, is written up and graphically represented in a magazine, under the description “Tag along as four writers check out the best in Midwest summer camps for grown-ups.”

Ya feel proud and validated and like you belong at the big kids’ table even though you don’t have formal training or an MBA or a dainty waist or the ability to speak another language or an investment portfolio.

And as you’re about to embark on the thirteenth offering of Camp, you’re glad you didn’t wait until you figured out how to run a camp. If you had, three years later, now, you’d probably still brainstorming on easel paper.


Our next Camp is in July. Wanna leap with us?! Grab a spot in the unmarked van.