Workshops, Classes, Bootcamps, & Webinars

“I enjoyed this class immensely! I was greatly inspired and moved multiple times from beginning to end. I was buzzing with so much excitement that I couldn’t fall asleep once I got home! Ideas and energy were just flowing through me.”

Saya loves sharing her personal and professional experiences and knowledge with others and then helping them apply that information to their own lives. Her workshops are personable, comfortable, and genuine, due both to Saya’s presentation style and to the attendees who ran the gamut as far as interests, demographics, and background but whom all possess a desire to live fully and are incredibly supportive and thoughtful, even with complete strangers.

One-off workshops and classes are usually two to four hours. Multi-session workshops and classes usually meet once a week for six to eight weeks. Webinars usually run sixty to ninety minutes.

“The internet is filled with bullsh*t business coaches, marketers, and beyond trying to swindle you for every buck you have for knowledge you can’t do anything with. Saya throws that industry on its head by giving so much value at a wonderful price. Her genuine generosity and desire to help others is incredible. She makes high-level knowledge and content accessible to people of a wide range of backgrounds. What an amazing thing to be doing good for people by inspiring them while also running a business. With every little nudge and words of encouragement from her, I get one step closer to achieving my goals. However you buy into the goodness of Saya, you will get it back ten-fold.”


Life of Yes℠ Workshop
“Saya set a wonderful energy for the class by breaking the ice and helping everyone get comfortable and acquainted. The steps she shared were inspiring. I left feeling uplifted with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm for taking my next steps. A very worthwhile class, recommended for anyone seeking an infusion of wild inspiration.”


For descriptions, head here

  • Life of Yes℠ – How To Create and Live A Fulfilled Life
  • Productivity – Tips & Tricks to Make Life Easier
  • Evernote – You Want to Use It, You’re Just Not Sure How
  • Bootcamp: Self Promotion & Sales
  • Bootcamp: Public Speaking – What & How To Share
  • Bootcamp: Public Speaking – The Business Side
  • How to Network Better
  • Storytelling For Everyone
  • Life of Yes℠ Travel – Minimize Expense, Maximize Experience
  • Personal Finance & Budgeting Taught by Saya’s Best Friend and Husband Pete; sign up here

Upcoming Offerings

To see if there are any upcoming offerings, head to the Calendar Page.

If you don’t see an offering, you can sign up for the newsletter and/or follow Mac & Cheese on social to get notified when offerings are added.


Productivity Class
"I consider myself pretty organized already, but felt my skills needed updating. This class was PERFECT! Saya just took me to a whole new level of organized AND efficient. I will be implementing so many things. This was Four hours jam-packed full of information on everything from finances to social media to email to security. This is not a 'sit down and learn how to do all this stuff' class, but a 'learn what's out there and how it can help make your life better' class. It's all up to you to get it done. Saya's philosophy is all about maximizing Fun time, so much of what she showed is not only easy, but quick quick! Love that."


"I've always been something of an anti-speaker. I never raised my hand in grade school and placing my order at Starbucks gives me anxiety. The problem is, I have things to say. And I want to feel confident saying them. Saya's public speaking bootcamp was a huge first step in gaining that confidence. She provided an awesome, welcoming environment, and both she and the other Cheese-It participants were incredibly supportive. Saya helped me confront my own security blanket of excuses and, for the first time, say, 'I am a speaker.'"