“One of the most refreshing and intelligent evenings in Chicago. It’s unexpected, unvarnished and hilarious.”
“I had more than a blast. It was honor to meet so many great Chicagoans, it makes me proud to be a part of this city. Thanks for bringing me along for the ride.”
[UPDATE: Idea Potluck ran from 2011- 2018 and was retired after Number 51]
Idea Potluck is a potluck of ideas rather than food. It brings together several of Chicago’s best and brightest, funniest and handsomest, wittiest and engaging-est for an evening of rapid fire musings on whatever they choose to muse upon. Each pre-selected Dish does whatever he/she wants, for six-minutes. You as an audience member sit back and absorb, perhaps laugh and cry, definitely meet other awesome people.
Past Potlucks
Potluck 51.0, Tuesday, 2/13/18 photos ‘Nice, Single Lady’ Edition (LGBTQ)
Mac & Cheese is partnering with Center on Halsted for this event in an effort to support programming for our shared communities. Center on Halsted is the Midwest’s most comprehensive community center dedicated to advancing community and securing the health and well-being of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) people of Chicagoland. A portion of ticket proceeds will go to the Center.
- Alex
- Emily
- Analisha
- Conway
- Starza
- Deb
- Anita
- Jera
- Jocelyn
Potluck 50.0, Tuesday, 10/24/17 photos
- Ines Bellina, Writer, Translator, and Performer
- David Rabie, CEO and co-founder of Tovala | Twitter: @daviderabie
- Sami Ari, Digital Strategist & Nomad | Instagram: @SamiAri
- Michelle Goeppner, Life Change Champion
- Marya Spont-Lemus, Writer, Interdisciplinary Artist, and Educator | Twitter: @maryaspontlemus
- Hillary Johnson, Photographer | Twitter: @hillaryjphotos & Instagram: @hillaryjohnsonphotography
- Mary Kesinger, Marketing Analyst (Accenture) and Fitness Trainer (ENRGi Fitness) | Twitter & Instagram: @itsmaryk @itsmaryk
- Emily Lonigro Boylan | Twitter & Instagram: @limeredstudio @emilylimered
Potluck 49.0, Tuesday, 9/19/17 photos
- Seth Austen Larson, Technology Troubleshooter
- Frank Shapiro
- Kendra Chaplin, Founder, Chicago Woman magazine | Twitter & Instagram: @chiwomanmag @kendrachaplin
- Jenn Bane, Cards Against Humanity | Twitter: @JennDangerous
- Joanne Worden
- Kelsey Taylor
- Jason Bell, Sales Guy, Photographer, Global Adventurer, Foodie, Speaker | Instagram: @jasonbell82
- Boots McCann, Ph.D., Purveyor of Inspirational Clapbacks
Potluck 48.0, Tuesday, 8/22/17 photos
- Hassan Ali, Creative Marketing Director at The Onion | Twitter & Instagram: @hassanisms
- Andy Bolduc, Comedian
- Burrell Poe
- Liz Traines, Career and Lifestyle Coaching and a Conscious Entrepreneur | Instagram: @Liztraines
- Erica Bauer, PhD | Director of Student Engagement at Walter Payton College Preparatory Academy
- LaTanya Lane, Writer & Storyteller
- Billy Banks, Entrepreneur, Professor, Father of triplets whose achilles heel is Cool Ranch Doritos and went from rocking the fast car to hustling his troops in a minivan | Twitter: @billybanks99 Instagram: @billybanks9
Potluck 47.0, Tuesday, 7/18/17 photos
- Nikki Nigl (rhymes with eagle) – EmpowHERment Coach & CreateHER of ABOUT WOMEN | @IAmNikkiNigl
- Lisa Zimmer, Beer Culture and Community Manager, MillerCoors | Twitter: @Zimmerino @MillerCoors
- Morlie Patel
- Laurie Hillman
- Val Groth, Executive Life Coach, Speaker, Author of The Power of the Possible: The Dire State of Inner City Education and One Woman’s Revolution to Fix It, Founder of Ryan Banks Academy | @valeriegroth
- Brian Fitzpatrick, founder of Google’s Chicago engineering office circa 2005, current Founder and CTO of Tock | @therealfitz
- Stephanie Anderson
- Jared, Artist/Creator behind Chicago Birch/ChirCh | @chicagobirch
Potluck 46.0, Tuesday, 6/20/17 photos ‘Nice, Single Guy’ Edition (Straight)
- Matt
- Arnold
- Eric
- Brian
- Fadi
- Ying
- Jeremy
- Duo
- Brett
Potluck 45.0, Tuesday, 5/16/17 photos
- Steve Gadlin – Serial Silly Projects Guy and Host of Steve Gadlin’s Star Makers | Twitter: @CatDrawingGuy
- Stephen Kummer
- Sue Koch – Owner, Soaring Solutions | Twitter: @sue_kochInstagram: @suekoch
- Jenn Dieas – Founder of Glowout Salons | Instagram: @jennthegoldengirl
- Stacy Ratner – Social Entrepreneur for Literacy, Open Books / Chicago Literacy Alliance | @stacyjratner
- Danny Black
- Kandy Christensen – Meandering Design T: Meander_Design I: @meanderingdesign
- Shannon Noll | Twitter: @snapplegate87
Potluck 44.0, Tuesday, 4/18/17 photos
- Jo Feldman – Performer, actor, and head writer of Cards Against Humanity | @hellojofeldman
- Karen Hawkins – Founder & Rebelle in Chief of Rebellious Magazine for Women | @RebelliousMag
- Jerry Nwosuocha – Jack of all trades | @nyc_mouse
- Shawn Smith – Shawnimals and Resketch | Twitter: @shawnimal Instagram: @shawnimals
- Bobby Evers – Volunteer writer/producer/dj with CHIRP radio | @ohbusiness
- Susan Glynn
- Colin Davis
- Miranda McClendon – Curious Human | Instagram: @frooojojojo
Potluck 43.0, Tuesday, 3/21/17 photos
- Nicole Vasquez, Founder of The Shift, Co-Founder of Second Shift, Writer, and Community Builder | T: @NicoleRVasquez
- Shery LaRue Johnson
- Bonnie Hillman Shay, Founder and Owner of Mariposa Creative Solutions | T: @bonniehshay
- Vanessa Beck
- Bill Stern, Comedian
- Desiree Barr
- Vitaliy Vladimirov
- Kris Simmons, Stand-Up Comic and Medical Editor | T: @krissimmons
Potluck 42.0, Tuesday, 2/21/17
- Soli Santos, Stand-Up Comic and Storyteller
- Joseph Martin, CEO/Designer at Pikaia Digital | T/I: @hiJoeMartin
- Kate Englund, Program Director, Safe Families for Children | T: @KateEnglund
- Tracy Samantha Schmidt, Host, Socially Authentic | I: @TracySamanthaSchmidt
- Carma Nibarger, Chicago Comedian | T: @carmanibarger
- Brandon Brooks, HR Guru and Mostly Likeable Guy
- Parvathi “Parv” Santhosh-Kumar, Director of Network Learning, StriveTogether
- Jeff Murdoch, Writer and Member of Comedy Duo Seriously Unprepared | T: @jsmurd
Potluck 41.0, Tuesday, 1/22/17 — photos ‘Nice, Single Guy’ Edition (Straight)

- Sean – Twitter: @espeekayyo
- Tom
- Will
- Joey
- Benjamin -Twitter: @benjaminritter, Instagram: @ritterbenj
- Barry
- Daniel – Twitter and Instagram: @musicinthehall
- Reuven
- Kevin – Twitter and Instagram: @kdaspeaker
Potluck 40.0, Tuesday, 10/18/16 — photos
- Scott Winterroth, Co-Founder, Content Academy | Twitter: @swinterroth @contentacademy
- Angie Garbot, Owner, Angela Garbot Photography | Instagram: @angelagarbot @angelagarbotphotography Twitter: @PhotosByGarbot
- Toni Husbands, Financial Coach, Debt Free Divas | Twitter: @debtfreedivas
- Jeana Anderson Cohen, Founder of a SweatLife.com and the host of #Sweatworking events across Chicago | Instagram and Twitter: @asweatlife
- Eileen Boyes, Former Teacher and Recovering Pessimist | Twitter: @eileen91582
- Rachel Pokay, Humorist | @OkayPokay
- Hobert Thompson
- Claire Lew, CEO of Know Your Company | Twitter: @cjlew23
Potluck 39.0, Tuesday, 9/20/16 — photos
- Adrienne Brust, Owner & Principal Creative of studioLIFTED
- Steve Delahoyde, Filmmaker & Owner of Delahoyde Projects | @thehoyde
- Emily Drake, CEO, Flank 5 Academy + Career Therapist | @emkdee & @flank5academy
- Lucas O’Neil, Writer/Comedian | @loneilz
- Alison Monette, Coordinator of a Brain Surgery Program in the ‘Burbs
- Chandrea Brown, Explorer | Data Enthusiast | Information Broker
- Fuzzy Gerdes, Producer and Performer | @fuzzy
- Lily Be, Creator of The Stoop | Storyteller | Educator at Second City | @queenlilybe
Potluck 38.0, Tuesday, 8/16/16 — photos
- Jason Williams, Marketer. Innovator. Connector. | @jawbrain
- Kelly O’Connor McNees, writer and founder of Word Bird Editorial Services | @komcnees
- Camille Virginia, Founder, Master the Art of OFFline Dating
- Kelly Bolton, Comedian
- Katie Call | @lilyripper
- Kim Swift
- Mollie Ottenhoff, Mother of Monsters, writer at MeetTheOtts.com
- Nicky Martin | @PissMistress
Potluck 37.0, Tuesday, 7/19/16 – photos
- Mona Aburmishan, International Comedian; producer of The Comedy Bowl | @monadoesfunny
- DeLonda from the House of Dowling, First Born, First of Her Name, Princess of Purple
- Make It Up Media | @makeitupmedia
- Nick Puglisi, product designer, co-owner of Potluck Products | @potluckproducts
- Dani Davis, Connnector
- Mary Schmich, Chicago Tribune Columnist | @maryschmich
- Steve Nelson, Writer and Performer
- Caitlin Neal, Sexuality Strategist
Potluck 36.0, Tuesday, 6/28/16 – photos
- Saleem Hue Penny, Introvert + Daydreamer, Future Owner of Crayonsonthebackporch | @huedotart
- Claire Zulkey, writer at Zulkey.com, author of An Off Year, producer of Funny Ha-Ha | @zulkey
- Tocarra Mallard, Comedian + Arts Adminstrator |@TocarraElise
- Christina Marshall-Valdez, Founder, CEO, Visionary of Elu | @YourEluGirl, @YourElu_Boss
- Jason Silver, Dating and Love Coach, We Just Match |@jason_silver
- Sonia Gonzalez, Educator | @ripus7
- Nancy Graham, Technical Project Manager, Cat Herder | @nancygraham001
- Shuling Yong, Documentary Filmmaker and Founder of Media For Social Change | @yongshuling
Potluck 35.0, Tuesday, 5/17/16 – photos
- Nicky Margolis
- Julia Smith, Nonprofit Communications Manager | @juliacsmith
- Bryan Biello, Foreman of Festivity
- Merrit Landsteiner, Stand-Up Comedian
- Lauren O’Connell, Territory Manager at Spindrift, VO Actor, Reki Healer, Vedic Astrologer | @OConnell_Lauren
- Katie Linehan
- Megan Shaw, Regular Gal Around Town
- Susannah Mae Schoeny, Preschooler — “My job is to stay in bed.”
- Mike Robinson, Professional Speaker & President of In The Paint Basketball
Potluck 34.0, Tuesday, 4/19/16 – photos
- Kate Garmey, CoFounder, Drink Tank LLC | @kategarmey @drinktankthat
- Lauren Walker, Comedian | @Wellfebrezed
- Eric Zorn, The Chicago Tribune’s Tallest Opinion Columnist
- Sarah Cowdery
- Isabelle “Izzy” Libmann, Owner of IzzyFit Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching | @IzzyFit
- Charlene M. Orsine, Professional Organizer, Organized Memories by Charlene
- Gina Marotta, The Genius Guru | @ginamarotta
- Scott Duff, Professional Gay | @ChiScottDuff
Potluck 33.0, Tuesday, 3/15/16 – photos
- Jessica L. Williams, Founder, TechBizGurl.com | @techbizgurl
- James Meredith, “Celebrated Actor” currently playing Othello in “Othello” at the Shakespeare Theater | @javimere
- Daniel Morrow, Digital Media Producer at JAMA and Founder/Producer of Music in the Hall | @musicinthehall
- Natalie Shmulik, Food Business Consultant, The Hatchery | @TheHatcheryChi
- Victoria Elena Nones, Executive Director, Women In Comedy | @vfiercerising
- Stephanie Walker | @stephwalker1
- Blake Burkhart, Comedian | @blakeburkhart
- Eunice Jarrett
- Lynn Else
Potluck 32.0, Tuesday, 2/16/16 – ‘Nice, Single Guy’ Edition (Gay, Bi, Trans) – photos
- Josh Goldman | @hithereitsjosh
- Marq Hwang
- Sami Ari | @SamiAri
- Jim Conti
- Patrick Boyd
- Ben Turbow
- Christopher Holly
- Graham Aden
Potluck 31.0, Tuesday, 2/2/16 – ‘Nice, Single Guy’ Edition (Straight)
- Chuck Otto | @chuckotto
- Theodore Hahn, Middlebrow Bon Vivant | @the83k
- J.T. Snipes, Graduate Student, Indiana University | @jsnipes3
- Joey Berk
- Kevin D’Souza, Project Manager, Sarcastic, Sports Enthusiast | @kevdsouz
- Wilfred Mejia
- Ray Hui, Comedy Writer and Performer | @meofsunshine
- Brett Myers, Program Director Next Door Chicago | @brettmyers0
- Randy Hackler, Man of Mystery
Potluck 30.0, Tuesday, 1/19/16 – ‘Nice, Single Guy’ Edition (Straight)
- James Smolich, SaaS Program Manager, Dog and Fitness Enthusiast | @jamesstellar
- Ed Duffy | @edbduffy
- Quantas Ginn, Marketer. Foodie. Chicago Lover. Owner of WaterWalk Marketing | @quantas_ginn
- Mike Speller, Museum Educator & Freelance Creative
- Mig Reyes, Designer at Basecamp | @migreyes
- Jeff Arcuri | @JeffArcurious
- Greg Fairbank, Photographer, Teacher, Life Enthusiast
- Joe Martin, Entrepreneur, Web Personality, Hockey Player, and Musician | @hijoemartin
- Ranjit Souri, Comedian, Storyteller, Comedy Instructor
Potluck 29.0, Tuesday, 10/20/15
- Julia Kuo, Illustrator | @juliaskuo
- Jahmal Cole, Founder of My Block, My Hood, My City | @mbmhmc
- Brianne Downing
- Adam Rayman, Stadium Chaser | @Adam_Rayman
- Sarah Shockey, Writer, Performer, and Maker of Little Drawings | @sarahjoyshockey
- Kannan Arumugam, Triple Threat: writer-performer-idiot
- Jesse Teverbaugh, “Excellence Nothing Less”, Director of Student & Alumni Affairs of The Cara Program
- Ruthie Kott, Chief Story Seeker | @ruthiekott
Potluck 28.0, Tuesday, 9/22/15
- Maggie Jenkins, Writer, Comic, Runner, Rapper | @m_k_jenkins
- Sarah Berghorst, Chicago Executive Director of OneGoal | @sberghorst
- Matthew Lew, Owner, Matthew Lew Fine Art & Design | @matthewlew
- Anna Lucero, Hairstylist, Joker, Unlicensed Therapist | @virtual_luddite
- Tim Barnes, Produce/Host of “It’s All True!” | @TimBarnes451
- Gina Beach, Artist and Art Teacher | @ReginaGBeach
- Dan Friesen, Host of the Friesen Point podcast
- Julie Mueller, Photographer
Potluck 27.0, Tuesday, 8/18/15
- Kelli Strickland, Executive Director, The Hypocrites
- Lola Wright, Spiritual Director, Bodhi Spiritual Center | @lolapwright and @bodhichicago
- Lauren Huffman, Co Producer and Co Host of Second City’s Sunday Morning Stories, Do Not Submit Old Town & Tenx9Chicago | @HuffyPuffy21
- Charisse Conanan Johnson, Creator, Charisse Says | @CharisseSays
- Alison Connelly, Actor, Founder & Producer of Arvid Production Co. & Ongoing cast member of ‘I Saw You’ | @Jimothy1863
- Jon Dick, Marketing Director at Trunk Club | @jondick
- Michelle Moore, Marketer, Triathlon Coach, Cyclist
- Tina Fakhrid-Deen, Writer, Educator, Activist, Mama, and Cupcake Addict | @tinawritenow
Potluck 26.0, Tuesday, 7/14/15
- Marla Depew, Standup Comedian, Actor, and Writer | @MarlaDepew
- Leslie Mallman, Founder, Skyline Financial Advisors, LLC
- Chris Bue, Numbers Nerd and Owner, LBKD Corp | @heybue
- Anne Ford, Journalist and StoryCorps Facilitator | @allthingsanne
- Elizabeth Gomez, Comedian, Storyteller, and Writer | @JuannaRumbel
- Jeanine Blair, Collector of Life’s Merit Badges | @j9blair1
- Kevin D’Ambrosio Actor, Stand Up, Storyteller, and Cohost of Second City’s Sunday Morning Stories
- Gabi Shay, Poet and High School Student
Potluck 25.0, Tuesday, 6/16/15
- Evan La Ruffa | @EvanLaRuffa
- Kristin Clifford, Comedian | @Kristincliff
- Lisa Faust, Scientist Who Promises To Speak On Non-Sciencey Things
- Micky York, BBQ Aficionado and Host of After Party Cabaret | @mickyyork
- Elyse Brendlen, Fearless Pursuer of Happiness
- Emilia Schobeiri, Owner, Emilia Jane Photography | @emjscho
- Alex Kumin | @alexkumin
- Lynne Roberts, Stand-up Comedian/Storyteller | @noodlegravy
Potluck 24.0, Tuesday, 5/19/15
- John Loos, Teacher and Corporate Facilitator at The Second City
- Erin Kowalski, Owner of AURA Natural Pet and Founder of Bialy’s Wellness Foundation | @bialyboops
- Kelly Dilbeck, Driver of Her Own Bus
- Xavier Lamont
- Kate Esposito | @kateesposito
- John Flavin, Executive Director, Chicago Innovation Exchange | @JLFlavin1
- Matthew Hoffman, Artist, Hey It’s Matthew & Custodian, You Are Beautiful | @heyitsmatthew @yabsticker
- Lainie Lenertz, Comedian | @LainieLenertz
Potluck 23.0, Tuesday, 4/21/15
- BK Ellison of BKE DESIGNS
- Charlie Rohrer |@charlierohrer
- Rachel Bertsche, Journalist and Bestselling Author of “MWF Seeking BFF” and “Jennifer, Gwyneth & Me” | @rberch
- Kristen Toomey, Comedian and Founder of Hoo Ha Comedy | @kristentoomey
- Stefania Rudd and Arden Joy, Co-Hosts of the Your Chicago Podcast | @your_chicago
- Dana Frost, Master Life Coach & Owner of Capim Santo Alchemy | @dana_frost
- Angelo Anderson, 7th grader and Chicago Lights member
- Kendra Stevens, Co-Producer of Serving the Sentence and Member of She’s Crafty | @kendra_stevens
Potluck 22.0, Tuesday, 3/17/15
- Abby McEnany, Improvisor and Actor
- Odinaka, Stand Up Comedian | @odinaka
- Zernul R. Shackelford Jr, Owner of Darque Syde of D’Lyte Productions, Inc.
- Maria Kim, President & CEO, The Cara Program | @motivatedbycara @maria_kim
- Sonali Nanayakkara, World-traveler, Spiritual Seeker, Holistic Psychiatrist and an Ambassador of a Life Of Yes!
- Amy Guth, GM, RedEye & Metromix | @amyguth
- Cody Melcher, Writer, Comedian, Humanist, Host of podcast Tomefoolery and show Pedantry | @CodyMelcherEsq
- Kim Morris, Writer/Actor | @morrispop
Potluck 21.0, Tuesday, 2/17/15
- Levi Baer, Co-Founder, Bold Bee Consulting | @mysterybaer
- Britt Julious, Writer and Essayist | @britticisms
- Wailin Wong, Editor/Writer, The Distance | @VelocityWong
- Rachel Page, Performer, Vocal Instructor, Pianist
- Nick Heap, Artist of the Real & Surreal
- Plucky Rosenthal, Modern-Day Vaudeville Act | @pluckyrosenthal
- Meaghan Strickland, Comedian | @meaghanstrick
- Dave Hoover, Dev Bootcamp | @davehoover
Potluck 20.0, Tuesday, 1/20/15 — All-Star Edition!
Past Dishes came back to get another six minutes of fame…
- James Ellis | @saltlab
- Alexandra Tsarpalas, Stand-up Comic | @keenobservation
- Gary Gulley, Owner, Alarmist Brewing | @garygulley
- Sarah Watts, Mom, Writer, and Disability Advocate | @wifeytini
- Sonia Denis, Comedienne | @sonideni
- Mike McGee, Co-Founder and Supreme GIF Wizard, The Starter League |@michaelmcgee
- Andy Crestodina, Strategic Director of Orbit Media | @crestodina
- Ashleigh Edwards, Lover, Cusack Extraordinaire | @picklet13
Potluck! 19.0, Tuesday, 10/21/14
- David Kadavy, Author, Design for Hackers | @kadavy
- Josh Katt, Chef, KitchFix | @kitchfix
- Tamale, Comedian and Interdisciplinary Performer | @TamaleRocks
- Erica Reid, Supervising Producer of Blewt! LLC and Co-host of the web series Drunk Monkeys | @drunkmonkeyshow
- Krista Atkinson, stand-up comic and co-producer of Just Dickin’ Around | @funnylady419
- Annette Bellezzo, Pets for Life Chicago Coordinator with the Humane Society of the United States | @dance_annette
- Debbie Hillman
- Allison Ringhand, CPS teacher and improviser
Potluck! 18.0, Tuesday, 9/23/14
- Steve Edwards, Executive Director, Institute of Politics University of Chicago | @uchipolitics
- Keely Flynn, owner, Lollygag Blog | @LollygagBlog
- Inga Evenchik
- Sara McCarthy, Chicago Realtor (the Dorger McCarthy group) and Passionate about People! Places! Peace! & Puppies!
- Brian McGovern, Writer/Comedian | @brianmcgo
Jerry Mikutis, Reiki and Yoga Teacher | @jerryonthemat
- Timothy Mennel, University of Chicago Press and Baseball Byways blogger
- Anthony Oberbeck, Comedian | @anthonyoberbeck
Potluck! 17.0, Tuesday, 8/19/14
- Jill Salzman, Founder of The Founding Moms | @foundingmom
- Seyi Fabode, Dad & Husband, trying to figure everything else out | @Seyi_Fab
- Emily Williams, Improviser and Wearer of Colorful Tennis Shoes
- Gloria Mwez, Artist, Co-Founder of Feels Like Friday LLC, Climber of Trees |@kungfudancer
- Len Kendall, Expert at Nothing | @LenKendall
- Amy Shanker, Standup comedian & Teacher |@AmyShanker
- Kate Kasch, National Account Manager, Wrigley
- Deanna Moffitt, Writer, Actress, Storyteller and Owner of Luminant Leadership | @deannamoffitt
Photography by Charity Theiss, Beyond the Ordinary Photography | @Beyond_OrdPhoto
Potluck! 16.0, Tuesday, 7/15/14
- Debs Cane, Knowledge Architect, ADMCI | @DeborahCaneTPM
- Jimmy Odom, Founder/CEO of WeDeliver | @JimmyOdom @WeDelivr
- Ryan Murphy, Large Dog Owner and Mustachioed Gentleman
- Mark Skala, Owner, Skalawag Productions | @skalawag
- Nancy Syburg, Montessori Maven of the North Shore and Embracer of Challenges
- Brian Barkowski, Brother Rice Marketing Director/Weish4Ever Board Member | @johnnybarko
- Demian Krentz
- Hilesh Patel, Program Associate at Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education
Potluck! 15.0, Tuesday, 6/17/14
- Brit Belsheim, Friend of Kitties
- Katie Aune, Travel Blogger and Alumni Relations/Development Professional | @katieaune
- Adam Burke, Comedian | @atpburke
- Lauren McLaughlin, Licensed Acupuncturist and Laughter Yoga Leader | @JoyfulBalance13
- Sean Kelley, Content Marketer, Writer, Improvisor | @seanofkelley
- Nick Disabato, Designer & writer | @nickd
- Sarah Watts, Stay at Home Humorist and Blogger | @wifeytini
- Karl and Marilee Rutherford, Brewers and Whatnot at Rude Hippo Brewing | @RudeHippoBrew
- Leanne Rayman, Massage Therapist, Cat Enthusiast, Imaginative Spirit | @leezyray
Potluck! 14.0, Wednesday, 5/21/14
- Adam Desjardins, loving father and catchphrase inventor | @SirGuthry
- Patty Morrissey, Head of Social Innovation at Groupon | @Patty360
- Ashleigh Edwards, Lover, Cusack Extraordinaire | @picklet13
- Tommy Choi, Co-founder of Weinberg Choi Realty | @tommychoi
- Henry Riggs
- Felix Jung, front end developer and blogger | @avoision
- Casey McMillan, Entertainment attorney, wanna be fashionista, poet, writer, adventure seeker | @caseybmcmillan
- Mike Carpenter, host of Chicago Design Debates | @carpemike
Potluck! 13.0, Tuesday, 4/22/14
- Michael Gau
- Ted Wright, Care Connection Advocate
- Alexandra Tsarpalas, Stand-up Comic | @keenobservation
- Carmen Christopher, Kill All Comedy and Thunderdome | @dickjokes69
- James Ellis, Strategy Consultant and Commentator at SaltLab | @saltlab
- Mike Bancroft, Co-Owner, Sauce & Bread | @coophotsauce
- Katie Gillespie, Jill of All Trades | @gillespiekat23
- Jeremy Kanne, Brand Designer and Photographer | @WrathOfKanne
Potluck! 12.0: Tuesday, 4/1/14
Shannon Downey, Doer of Things | @ShannonDowney[Pete Aiello filled in last minute for the sick Shannon Downey | @goteampete]- Julia Weiss, Chicago Based Humorist and Published Playwright | @Weiss_Tea
- Kim Leshinski, Craft Beer Activist, Hail To The Ale | @hail2theale
- Lindsey Fox
- Carolyn Breit, How to Make it In Chicago, Sprout Social | @msloyel
- Nate Varrone, Comedian | @thecologne
- Victor Saad, Founder of the Leap Year Project and Experience Institute | @victorsaad
- Stacy Armistead
Potluck! 11.0: Tuesday, 2/25/14
- Ellie Bahrmasel | @ellieinchicago
- Matt Griffo, musician & comedian | @mattgriffo
- Jake Nickell, Founder and CEO at Threadless | @skaw
- Ingrid Walla
- Abraham Levitan, co-host of Shame That Tune, owner of Piano Power | @AbrahamLevitan
- Josh Hersh, Life Coach & Founder of The Thoughtful Gay Man | @joshhersh
- Mary Carrell, Researcher, unicorns and holidays | @marycarrell
Potluck! 10.0: Tuesday, 1/28/14
- Sayjal Joshi, Chicago Comedian | @SayjalJoshi
- Margot Harrington, Chief Creative Lady at Pitch Design Union | @pitchdesign
- Tom Ruginis, Chicago’s Happy Science Dude | @letubeu
- Ben Swislow aka “Swizz,” Beatboxer, ClusterFunk a cappella, joined by Special Guest Darian | @DarianDeRiemer
- Kandy Christensen, Owner of Meandering Design | @meander_design
- Ray Gordon, Comedian and Hopeless Romantic | @RayBabyTweets
- Daniel Shar, Comedy Writer/Performer | @SharGF
- Tara DeFrancisco, Performer/Gatherer/Friend | @TaraDeFrancisco
Potluck! 9.0: Tuesday, 11/5/13 – all proceeds to the Chicago Women’s Health Center!
- Christine Cikowski and Josh Kulp, Chefs & Owners, Honey Butter Fried Chicken | @honeybutterchi
- Maria Woijeowski | @riawojo
- Magister Freud, Magician and Owner, Ice Cream Team Party Entertainment | @magisterfreud
- Jeff Hannan, Debate coach, Author-ish, Somewhat Tall Guy
- Sonia Denis, Comedienne | @sonideni
- James Green, Designer and New Media Artist | @onthefirefly
- Janna Sobel, Performer, Writer & Director, Here’s the Story
See all photos (Photographer: Matt Altstiel, MBA Photography, @MBAPhotography1)
Potluck! 8.0: Tuesday, 8/6/13
Complimentary libations courtesy of Twisted Hippo Brewing!
- The Shock Ts | @shockts
- Chad Allen (sweaty Chicago artist who may very well be crazy pants), Owner, Back Off Mustache | @backoffmustache
- Melissa Harris, Chicago Tribune Business Columnist | @chiconfidential
- Lauren Harper
- Kerrie Blazek, Pleasure Catalyst + Life Strategist, In Her Element | @kerrieblazek
- Allie LeFevere, Healthy Living Expert | @AllieLeFevere
- Gary Gulley, Owner/Founder and CPO (Chief Panic Officer), Panic Brewing | @PanicBrewing
- Becca George, Comedienne | @becca_oneal
- Brett Meyers, Program Director, Next Door State Farm Cafe | @bmyers2o9
Potluck! 7.0: Thursday, 6/25/13
- Justin Massa, Founder & CEO, Food Genius | @justinmassa
- Don Hall, Events Coordinator for WBEZ | House Manager of NPR’s “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” | Host of The Moth | @dray4255
- Nadine Warner, Principal Partner, The Bricolage Group | Busy mom and entrepreneur | @nadinecwarner
- John Greenfield, Editor of Streetsblog Chicago | @streetsblogCHI
- Amber Harnen | @AmberPaige74
- Pat Kent, CEO, Nike* [*falsehood] | @hhpatrickkent
- Martin McGovern, Co-Founder, Idea Lemon | @martinmcgovern
- Emma Pope | @emmerpope
- Ali Karbassi, Founder, Coderdojo | @karbassi, @coderdojochi
See all photos (Photographer: Matt Altstiel, MBA Photography, @MBAPhotography1)
Potluck! 6.0: Thursday, 8/23/12
- Becky Eldridge, co-writer of Band Geeks, a Halftime Musical, teacher at Second City Training Center, lover of Chicago
- Julie Hochstadter, director, The Chainlink, @thechainlinkorg
- Ever Mainard
- Nick Stocking, principal of Design Cloud Chicago, @designcloudchi
- Pete Aiello, TeamPete, @goteampete
- Scott Whitehair, creator of Story Lab Chicago and producer of This Much Is True
- Jewels, @JewelsEmpower
- Homer Marrs, musician, actor and writer, @HomerMarrs
- Whit Nelson, Brew Camp, @brewcamp
See all photos (Photographer: Adam Daniels)
Potluck! 5.0, Monday, 7/16/12
- Andrew Huff, Editor and Publisher of Gapers Block, @me3dia, @gapersblock
- Chloe Ditzel, Comic Receptionist, @chloeditzel
- Lennie Rose, CEO at Big Ooga, @bigooga
- Shannon Cason, Winner of The Moth Grand Slam, @shannoncason
- Steve Reed, Professor at Northwestern University School of Law, @reedingisfun
- Drew Michael, @drewmcomedy
- Leah Marshall, Director of Development for Chicago Ideas Week // Leaper, @EdEquity4All
- Nik White, Co Founder of Chicago Beer Geeks, @nkosio
- Amy Sumpter, @amy_sumpter
- Robbie Abed, Founder of rawdesignr and CTO of Technori, @robbieab
See all photos (Photographer: Jen Swanson)
Potluck! 4.0, Monday, 5/21/12
- Mike McGee, co-founder, Code Academy, @michaelmcgee/@codeacademy
- Dan Buchner, co-founder, The Poet’s Way, @dcbuchner
- Colleen Doyle, performer and teacher at iO Chicago and staff writer at The Paper Machete, @AnyangHello
- Matt Wexler, coach/consultant/dad, @mjwex
- James Fritz, comedian, @jamesfritzcomic
- Stella Fayman, co-founder, Entrepreneurs Unplugged, @startupstella
- Jason Schwartz, board member, Chicago Design Museum, @chidm/@jaycrimes
- Joe Avella, @joeavella
Potluck! 3.0, Tuesday, 3/13/12
- Natasha Tsoutsouris, Writer and Performer
- Mig Reyes, Designer, 37signals, @migreyes
- Mark Bazer, Host of The Interview Show, @markbazer
- Jason Pritzker
- Andy Crestodina, Strategic Director of Orbit Media, @crestodina // Google+
- Jill Peters, Chicago’s Social Guinea Pig
- Lindsay Muscato, @lmuscato
- Jarrad Apperson, Uncommon Ground bartender, @jarradapperson
- Carly Mandell
- Jessica Murphy, Beer Blogger, @grlslikebeertoo
See all photos (Photographer: Christopher Murphy)
Potluck! 2.0, Wednesday, 11/30/11
- Chris Piatt, Executive producer and Editor-in-chief, The Paper Machete, @thepapermachete
- Samantha Irby, Blogger, Bitches Gotta Eat, @wordscience
- Rick Desai, Builder of Companies, Lover of Pizza, @rickdesai
- Kelsie Huff, Comedian and Founder of the Kates, @kelsiehuff
- Sondra Morin, Writer. Poet. Bicyclist. New Englander By Trade, @sondramorin
- Dawgelene Sangster, Think Royally, @dawgelene
- Heidi Massey, I.C. Stars, @heidiekmassey
- Bill Stern, sftwr dev, abrvtn spclst
Potluck! 1.0, Wednesday, 8/24/11
- Sarah Jindra, Reporter, WBEZ Traffic and Founder, INSPIREme Chicago
- Griffin Caprio, Uber-Mench
- Heather Van Benthuysen, Teacher
- Arnie Niekamp, Head Writer, ‘You Don’t Know Jack’ game
- Drex Drexler, Litigation paralegal
- Megan Redfearn, Academic and leadership development, Northwestern University
- Marcy Capron, Founder/CEO, Polymathic
How can I speak at Potluck?
There is no application to be a Potluck Dish.
We have a long list of potential Dishes whom we’ve witnessed being awesome in real life. So if we’ve seen you out and about, doing your thing, sit tight; you might hear from us.
If we haven’t seen you being awesome, well, insert yourself in our world! Not by asking to be a Dish, but at the very least, coming to a Potluck to see the structure, the vibe, the awesomeness; intro yourself to us if you do! There are tons of other ways to be in our world besides Potluck as well, via other Mac & Cheese and TeamPete offerings. Come on out!
Please don’t ask us to be a Dish though. “Don’t call us, we’ll call you…”