Life of Yes: How To Attain a Fulfilling Life That Fits Who Matters - YOU

If you’ve taken a Life of Yes℠ workshop before, perhaps under a different yet similar name, the same core information is shared here. Is it different? Yes! Are there parts you’ve heard before? Yes! Some people like re-taking it to be re-inspired and re-motivated, perhaps because they’re in a different place now and want to re-hear the message and redo the work; it’s totally a-ok if you’re a re-doer. It’s always being updated so there will *probably* be newness. But if you feel any amount of “Why would I take something I’ve taken before?!”, this is not for you.


Life of Yes: How To Attain a Fulfilling Life That Fits Who Matters – YOU

Learn simple, actionable steps to create a fulfilled life that fits youyour definition of success, your values, boundaries, and wants, your ideal lifestyle — framed through Saya’s relatable philosophies and experiences. The poster child of action, path-straying, not concerning self with others’ expectations or reactions, and knowing and valuing self, Saya uses charisma, humor, vulnerability, and a dash of TMI to be a breath of fresh air on universal topics. Through her shares about being a success and a failure, Saya lessens overwhelm and isolation, and creates light-bulb moments that result in an immediate blueprint for your Life of Yes℠ you can’t wait to implement.

In this workshop, you’ll take time to reflect and apply what you learn to your own life.

Learn more about Saya.

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“Saya set a wonderful energy for the class by breaking the ice and helping everyone get comfortable and acquainted. The steps she shared were inspiring. I left feeling uplifted with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm for taking my next steps. A very worthwhile class, recommended for anyone seeking an infusion of wild inspiration.”
“I enjoyed this class immensely! I was greatly inspired and moved multiple times from beginning to end. I was buzzing with so much excitement that I couldn’t fall asleep once I got home! Ideas and energy were just flowing through me.”
“This class goes above and beyond any expectations you think it will or can be. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I got out of this class. Saya’s unique approach on life is refreshing and her personal story is an inspiration.”
“Impressive to meet so many interesting people from all over the globe all interested in bringing more goodness into their lives. The class was extremely well thought out and full of laughter and useful information.”
"She shared stories that made her human. Her steps for leading a life of yes were really helpful and inspiring and I've already started taking action on many of them! Highly recommend."
"Awesome, awesome, awesome! Accessible, relevant, and motivating content! And there was reflection time built in, to allow each student a bit of time to think about how each piece of the content applied to our lives/situation. Not just fluff... we left with an intentional action step! Highly recommend!"
"This class was awesome! I have been singing its praises everyday since. I had so many 'aha' moments throughout the class that it was uncanny."
"Robert and I loved the "Life of Yes" workshop. I took you up on the homework assignment. The results were eye-opening and gratifying. Your program is so amazing / you are so amazing. This hit me at the exact right moment."
"Very well thought out and also very entertaining"
"I left feeling like I could let my imagination run wild, and accomplish anything I wanted. I just had to do it! ... Just had to put my brilliant ideas in motion (no matter how far-fetched they seemed), not worry about all the little details (the universe will work out the "how"), and go for it. (Saya) is truly an inspiration; a woman after my own heart. It really is awesome to see a walking, talking example of what can be accomplished when you just try what you love and see what happens."
"I truly enjoyed your humor, storytelling, the structure of the event and the opportunities for reflection you provided."